Like any parent I am sometimes skeptical of the gimmicks companies throw at us. I found it hard to believe that a "natural" bug replant could work as well as those chemically kinds. But what other options did I have? Since I did not want Lilly to be covered in bug bites and I certainly didn't want her covered in chemicals, the only option was to give the "natural" stuff a chance.
After doing some Internet investigation I found California Baby, a natural skin line that specializes in non-chemical blends with no harsh or harmful ingredients, no synthetics, no common allergens, and no pesticides. Sold on the "natural" label I gave it a shot and bough some (it is carried at target, whole foods, and babies r us to name a few).
Now just like you I was unsure what the results would be, but I can tell you this stuff actually works! This DEET free, non-toxic, non-chemical, non-invasive, non-irritating, hypoallergenic, safe and gentle, made with vegetable and plant based ingredients stuff works!
Here is why I am signing California Baby's praises. Last week my husband and I took Lilly for a walk, I sprayed all of us with California Baby Natural Bug Spray. No big deal, right? Well later that night... HOURS later, I went to a bond fire. Again, no big deal, right? Let's just say the bugs were out in full force that night. The rest of the party attendants were getting bit all over (Stacy said she had 18 bites and Megan 12). Holy cow people! Is is possible that I did not have ONE bite after using this stuff?! YUP! And that's why I love this product.
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